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Los Alamitos Sign Company. As we all know, advertising is one of the most important parts of any business. Even more so for outdoor marketing companies that depend on word of mouth to get attention.

Business owners spend lots of money developing their brand, promoting it, and creating great relationships with others who have done business with them. They may even invest in expensive advertising such as billboards or TV advertisements, but very little if anything comes from these campaigns aside from feelings of self-satisfaction.

Most people don’t take much notice of the ads they watch, read, or listen to, and thus those advertisers are wasting their money. It costs less to put up a good looking sign than it does to hang a ugly one outside your shop!

Take some time to look around you – what signs are there? What brands exist? How do they advertise? Why should I consider buying their products or services? These questions and more can be answered by doing some research.

That is why this article will talk about how to promote your business through outdoor signage. More specifically, we will discuss benefits of investing in high quality outdoor business signage.

Your website

Having your business’s online presence up to date is very important, but how people find out about you depends on many things, including whether or not you invest in outdoor signage.

Business owners should consider investing in high quality outdoor advertising to communicate with potential customers. You can target local areas for advertisements by using Google Maps to determine where most of your traffic comes from.

You may also want to look into billboard companies that offer special deals during certain times of year.

Your opening hours

Even if you’re only planning to run your business for part of the day, it is important to make sure that people know when you are open. This way, they can get what they need done while you are still able to earn money!
As mentioned before, most businesses will use existing billboards or traffic signs as their outdoor signage.

However, there are many other ways to find free outdoor advertising space. You can put up your own outdoor billboard or sign by using materials from anywhere else.

Alternatively, you can create your own unique outdoor advertisement by designing your own logo or picking an already designed one.

Whatever method you choose, make sure that it fits with your company and its image.

Potential customers find you

Having a well-designed business sign is one of the most important ways to grow your business. It’s hard to underestimate how powerful having great signage is for your company.

Many entrepreneurs don’t think about investing in outdoor marketing strategies until their business starts getting busy, but creating an adequate amount of traffic for your services can be expensive!

With that being said, there are many low cost or even free ways to improve your business’s visibility through outdoor advertising. One of the easiest ways to do this is by investing in high quality business signs.

High quality business signs will make a big difference on whether or not people recognize your business name and service. This is very important as they may enter your business somewhere else after seeing your signage.

It also helps promote your business’s brand image which is key to success. There are several easy ways to develop your business’s signature style and implement it into your branding.

Customers find you

As mentioned earlier, your business will not survive without customers, so making sure that people can identify your business is important. Fortunately, there are many ways to market your business with just about anything as an item!

Business signs are one of the most common marketing tools used by entrepreneurs. They’re usually categorized as house or outdoor signs, but they go much deeper than that.

Many believe that having enough signage is a way to boost company visibility. More often than not, though, this false perception exists because people only look at the surface level features of a business sign.

What kind of designs you use for your business logo, what messages you put across through advertisements, and whether or not you use promotional products like t shirts or pens are all part of creating an effective advertising campaign. But how about setting up shop?

Having adequate business parking and/or interior reception areas and proper outside signage is also crucial to attracting new clients. Even if you do not plan to have such things yet, investing in good quality signage now will help you down the road.

There are several different types of business signs that do more than simply state your name, number, and location. Some promote services, some advertise brands, and some even tell stories! All of these are integral parts of getting attention for your business and keeping it busy.

More visitors to your website


Having better outdoor signage can help increase traffic to your site or website launch!

Business owners often underestimate how important their business logo and sign design are to establishing their brand identity and drawing new visitors to their sites.

After all, people spend a lot of time looking at signs for information and advertisements, so why not use that exposure to promote yours?

That is what makes investing in high quality outdoor marketing materials such as business logos and banner designs very valuable. Not only do they look great, but they also convey your company message more clearly than if you were to make your own.

There are many ways to develop your advertising strategy, and one of the most effective is to start with creating strong business logos.

Greater chances of gaining clients

As mentioned before, your business can’t rely solely on online marketing to draw in new customers. With the rise of digital media, that is changing but not necessarily for the better. More people are choosing to stay at home due to the outbreak of coronavirus or staying inside because they don’t feel like going out.

With more individuals staying indoors, there’s less exposure to other potential customers. This is very difficult for some businesses to bear as them and their industry are dependent on others coming into their premises to do business with them.

Some ways that you can boost your outdoor signage is by putting up fliers, posting notices on social media, and producing business cards.

You look more professional

Having your business displayed to the public is an important way to promote your organization. If you don’t have any outdoor signage, then people will assume that you don’t want to advertise or are trying to hide something!

When was the last time you heard someone talk about their favorite restaurant? Or how about the best movie they saw recently? People talk about them constantly, so why wouldn’t businesses do the same thing?

By having good outdoor advertising, people will think twice about doing things like skipping out on payments or not returning merchandise because of poor service. These negative behaviors can negatively affect your reputation and sales!

It’s also worth mentioning that most people walking around town use Google Maps or other mapping apps to find businesses. By having great outdoor marketing, you’ll get seen by more potential customers.

You can personalize the message

Along with telling your audience who you are, what you offer, and when you’re available to do business, outdoor signage is a way to add some personality to your marketing messages.

As we’ve mentioned before, your business name and logo don’t stand out enough sometimes. Having an interesting billboard or storefront tag line adds depth to your brand and makes people want to connect more deeply with you.

It also helps mitigate against negative reactions to your company’s products or services. A well-designed sign gives people a sense that they have picked their own idea for how to spend their money, which may mean less feeling like they were being manipulated.

You can use pictures or words to emphasize important points about your business. Decide where best to place your signs depending on the viewer and whether it will help convey your message.

Choose Us?

Rick Hobbs, the owner of Anaheim Signs, is an old-school sign crafter who designs signs with high-tech tools. He has three generations of sign crafting skills passed down before the onset of computer sign programs. Our expertise and knowledge is second to none, making us one of the leading sign crafting service in Orange County. This is why customers trust us with the process and we ensure that you get exactly what you’re looking for at amazingly affordable prices. Here’s why people choose us:


          ✓ Family owned and operated         Three generations of sign crafting experience

         Impeccable customer service        Work directly with the owner         Great turnaround time on custom orders

Rick Hobbs, the owner of Anaheim Signs, is an old-school sign crafter who designs signs with high-tech tools. He has three generations of sign crafting skills passed down before the onset of computer sign programs. Our expertise and knowledge is second to none, making us one of the leading sign crafting service in Orange County. This is why customers trust us with the process and we ensure that you get exactly what you’re looking for at amazingly affordable prices. Here’s why people choose us:


 ✓ Family owned and operated

Three generations of sign crafting experience

Impeccable customer service

Work directly with the owner

Great turnaround time on custom orders

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Anaheim Sign Company Owner
Since 1982, Anaheim Signs has been a trusted leader in the signage industry, proudly serving businesses across Orange County and beyond. As a licensed California Electric Sign Contractor (#490521), we bring over 40 years of experience to every project,