Can I Increase The Size Of My Street Sign Without Affecting The Footing? Changing your street sign’s height is one of the best ways to give your home or business a new look, but you have to be careful not to destabilize the foundation. Most municipalities require that at least 6 inches of pavement must exist below the sign before adding another foot. This makes sense because if there was no room for the current sign, then what would stop someone from putting up a larger one next to it? That wouldn’t make much sense now, would it?! If you’re looking to spruce up your property by giving it some new looks, changing your street signs is an easy way to start. Check out our article about other cool ways to update your house! You can also read our article about how to pick your favorite colors.
Make sure it’ll still be stable
When you are planning to increase your street sign size, make sure that you have enough space around it to keep walking safely. You don’t want to add too much weight to the sign because then it won’t hold up as well. You also can’t just put more letters on the sign because that would take up too much room and reduce the overall legibility of the sign. Instead, look into re-letterizing the sign or using an offsite letter storage system like those provided by Both of these will give you extra height while keeping the solid footing secure. Plan for additional maintenance. Can I Increase The Size Of My Street Sign Without Affecting The Footing? Just because you paid to have someone write your message in big, bold letters doesn’t mean they took care of it properly. Make sure to check out any nearby signs for cracks or powdery deposits that could indicate damage. If you notice anything strange, get new ones immediately! Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. The information herein should not be used as medical advice nor does it constitute a diagnosis or treatment plan for any condition. Reader Interactions Comments Hi there! Great info here 🙂 Just wanted to mention something about powdery deposits on your street signage – this is totally normal! It happens when moisture gets trapped under the plastic surface, which allows bacteria to grow and cause a reaction with the paint.
Research the different methods of increasing the size of your street sign
Changing the length or height of your current street sign can be done in one of two ways-by drilling or cutting it, or by replacing it with a new one. Drilling is changing the shape or thickness of an object, while cutting changes the surface area. Both require you to find a source for recycled material that matches the original color and texture of the existing sign. Then, you must experiment with various diameters and angles to determine which look best with your home or business! There are many websites and blogs that have helpful information about designing your own unique street signs. All you need to do is search “street signage” to find them.
Connect with your local government
Changing or adding to your street sign is not as difficult as you might think! In fact, it is quite simple if you know what steps to take. Most municipalities have an advertising division that handles this for you. They handle all the paperwork involved in changing or putting up new signs, so most people are done with quickly. Advertising agencies also manage payments, which can be confusing because there are many different payment methods. Some do not accept credit cards, for example, which makes paying expensive bills very time consuming. It is best to go through pay-at-the-counter services like PayPal where money is processed immediately. There are some things to look out for when choosing who to work with, make sure they are reputable and has good reviews.
Obtain a permit
The next thing you will need to do is determine if you are allowed to increase your street sign’s height or not, according to city laws. Most municipalities require you to have a permit before going up any signage heights, especially outside buildings where people walk and use the road. This includes limiting it to 75-feet high, which is almost two stories in some cases! This is why it is important to know what regulations exist so that you don’t violate them by taking too much time to get permission first, as well as making sure you aren’t infringing on anyone else’s rights. City officials may ask you for proof of insurance when giving you the permit, just to make sure nothing happens to someone or something down below.
Make sure your street sign can handle the increased weight
Changing the size or shape of your driveway or parking lot exit is one way to increase foot traffic at your business, but you need to make sure that your street signs can handle it! If you’re looking to draw more attention to your business, then adding some decorations to serve as street signs is an excellent solution. Many people start buying plastic street signs with their businesses printed on them so they can be placed in their own yard or outside of the business property line. However, these types of signs are not designed to hold up under heavy use either. They will begin to peel off or break down very quickly! Business owners who want strong exposure should look into investing in solid, weather resistant street signs. These cost slightly more, but are much better quality than those which only have special designs on them. We recommend talking to professionals about signage for your business, and making sure you know what brands are well-supported before spending money on anything else.
Test your street sign
The next time you are driving down a highway, there is an easy way to check if your current street signs are too small. You can test it by looking at the number beside the street name. The number in front of the street should be longer than what it currently is. For example, if your street had a one-mile road length, then its number should be more like 1 mile as opposed to how it is now which is only 50 feet.
Replace your current street sign
The next step in increasing your driveway width is to find an adequate replacement for your current street signage. These new signs are typically made out of plastic or metal and can be purchased from any number of vendors online or through local sellers. Some things to look out for include if it’s painted on well and uses UV resistant paint, if it’s sturdy and doesn’t feel cheap, and whether it’s reversible so you don’t have to buy another one later. Can I Increase The Size Of My Street Sign Without Affecting The Footing? A lot of people use yard signs that they get mounted onto a wooden frame which works great! However, this isn’t necessary as most companies make their own frames now. You want to make sure yours is solid and won’t break easily.
How Can I Make a Street Sign Larger Without Increasing Costs?
Increasing the size of a street sign without inflating the cost of outdoor signage creation can be achieved by using more cost-effective materials and streamlining the design process. By working with a skilled signage company that understands your budget constraints, it’s possible to create larger, more impactful street signs without breaking the bank.
Connect your new sign to electricity
After you have picked your final design, You will need to connect your newly acquired street sign to an electrical source. This can be done by either connecting it to a power outlet or through a cable that plugs into a portable device such as a smartphone or computer. Power outlets typically use two round prongs that fit in receptacles with two flat surfaces. Make sure to measure twice before buying enough cables to meet the requirements for your street sign! Procedure: Plug one end of the cable into a power source and then plug the other end into your street sign. It may take some trial and error to find a good connection- try switching back and forth between types of connectors to see which one works best.
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