How to Install a Monument Sign

Making a statement for your company or organization is easy with a monument sign. They’re a terrific option for pointing people to your place because they are often substantial, permanent constructions visible from a distance. How do you install a monument sign, then? Here are the fundamental measures to take if you plan to construct a monument sign:

Finding the Best Site is the First Step: Finding the Best Location is the First Step in Installing a Monument Sign. Next, you need to make sure that everybody who needs to see the sign can find it quickly.

Get Permits: The local government may require you to seek permits depending on where you reside and the type of sign you intend to put. Before you begin the installation procedure, contact your city or municipality to determine your required permits.

Once you have obtained the required permits, prepare the site for the monument sign. This could entail cleaning the space, grading the ground, and removing any existing signage.

Install the Footings: The footings for the sign must be installed next. These substantial concrete structures can carry the weight of the sign. Before proceeding to the following stage, confirm that the footings are level and solid.

Install the Sign Panels: The sign panels need to be installed after the footings are in place. The body of the sign is composed of these sizable panels. Before proceeding to the following step, confirm that the boards are stable and level.

Put the Cap: The decorative cap is placed on the sign. It can be pretty heavy and is typically composed of stone or concrete. Before proceeding to the following step, make sure the cap is firmly attached to the rest of the sign.

Add Lights (Optional): If you wish to increase the visibility of your monument sign at night, add lighting. Floodlights and other kinds of outdoor illumination can be used for this.